As we walk our path of this life, we meet people everyday. Most are simply met by chance. But, some are sent our way. These become special friends whose bond we can't explain; the ones who understand us and share our joy and pain. Their love contains no boundaries. So, even we are apart, their presence enhances us with a warmth feeling in the heart. This love becomes a passageway, when even the miles disappear. And so, these friends, Allah sends our way, Remain forever near.
I recently got in contact with the best guy ever in my life. Unfortunately, we have held apart over years. But, even though it was long years, I never forgot him and I was always thinking about him and remember the great time and fun we had when we were students in Alfateh University. So I finally caught him and I am very very happy to get hold of him back and know that he’s got married to the woman he loved and he also has got a cute baby named “ Abdulmalek”; Here where we should say “Mashaa Allah”.
Abdulmalek is eight months old now. Wow! days are running so fast!
Dear pal, I hope we will keep in touch forever en shaa Allah and I am really looking forward to meet you soon, just to tell your son the truth about your past ya 3efreet !!
This is my friend and his son.
The Prince Abdulmalek seems enjoying play in grass
I guess he is trying to catch some worm and eat it, lol!Hey! don't you agree this guy looks like my friend's son? look at the ears
!!! heheheheh !! just kiddin
Sorry Abdulmalek, I apologize my dear
Just keepsmile