Statue of The Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus- Leptis Magna

what a dazzling smile !

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Cold Nights

Assalamo Aliekoum

Dear friends, how are you? I hope you all are doing fine
I am "wa alhamdoleilah" good, just I couldn't sleep, so I decided to write, maybe after some effort, I will get tired and my brain stop running so I can fall asleep...
It's very cold outside and according to weather broadcast guys, tomorrow is gonna be snowing and cold! (Rabbi Yester). Anyway, it's all blessings.
Today I wanna share you some Funny Personality Terms with their meaning " as I understood them and as we use them In our daily life..

What those words on yearly performance?

1- Outgoing Personality- Always going out of the office.
2-Keen Sense of Humor- Knows a lot of dirty jokes.
3-Good Communication Skills- Spends lots of time on phone.
4-Work Is First Priority- Too ugly to get a date.
5-Active socially- Drinks a lot.
6-Independent Worker – No body knows what he/she does.
7-Quick Thinker –Offers plausible excuses.
8-Careful Thinker- Won’t make a decision.
9-Uses Logic On Difficult Jobs – Gets someone else to do it.
10-Expresses Themselves Well –
Speaks English.
11-Meticulous Attention To Detail –A nit picker.
12-Has Leadership Qualities- Is tall or has louder voice.
13-Great Presentation Skills- Able to bullshit!
14-Career Minded- Back stabber.
15-Exceptionally Good Judgment- Lucky.
16-Loyal-Can’t get a job anywhere else.
17-Plans For Promotion/Advancement- Buys drinks for all the boys.
18-Of Great Value To The Organization- Gets to work on time.
19-Relaxed Attitude- Sleeps at desk.

I think I should go to bed now, cus I am so sleepy right now. My warm regard to all and see you soon guys
Uhh, before I go read this:

........THEY SAY iT TAKES A MiNUTE ........
...........TO FiND SPECiAL PERSONS...........
....... AN HOUR TO APPRCiATE THEM .......
..............A DAY TO LOVE THEM ...............
.............. AN ENTiRE LiFE TiME ................
.....................TO 4GET THEM.....................

........... SEND THiS TO THE PeOPLE. .........
.................. U 'LL NEVER 4GET..................
............... ITS A SHORT MESSAGE .............
................. TO LET THEM KNOW................
......... THAT U'LL NEVER 4GET THEM .......

.....iF U DON' T SEND THiS TO ANYONE......
.......... iT MEANS UR' RE iN A HURRY........
............AND THAT U HAD 4GOTTEN..........
........................THE PeOPLE ......................
........................ YOU LOVE .......................

Send this rose to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get a dozen your loved


Akram said...

this is my first time here in your blog and it was pleasure to read yours.
Keep smiling :)

ahmed hassan bashagha said...

alsalamo alikom dear fawzi
i was really pleased visiting your blog ,,your space ,,its really funny and creative ,,wish you the best always.

your friend
ahmed basha

Keepsmile5 said...

Assalamo Aliekoum
Dear Akram, thank you for visiting and commenting, I hope it won't be the last one. I also had a look in ur blog and I really enjoyed reading yours. keep going Akram May Allah bless you..

Dear Ahmed; thank you for your compliment! and I have checked your blog (1000 1000 [Million] mabrook) . Your first story "اثار فوق الرمال" is great funds of joy and interests. Also, "Horizon" is really nice name "who!" did choose it for you, Ahmed?!!
I hope that we will see more nice posts like this soon. and we wish you the best. Keep going Ahmed...

Thank u guys and May Allah bless all of you, and please, KEEP SMILING..

My gift is these words

My gift is these words

